Good Morning America recently completed their nationwide search for their new Advice Guru, an actual paying job on network TV. To enter, viewers submitted photos, answers to three knotty problems, and essays explaining why them - why they should be the next Advice Guru. I thought my destiny was to schmooze with George Stephanopolous while solving the problems of your everyday Americans. I even scheduled a hair appointment, so I'd have no grey roots the day they announced the winner. I was camera-ready.
I am not the next Advice Guru.
Here's my essay explaining "Why Me?" And screw them anyway.
I don’t have all the answers (though until I was about thirty, I thought I did). I do, however, have some amazing people in my life who’ve taught, and continue to teach, me so much about how to live in this world. My friend Elizabeth reminds me that we never know what burdens people carry, so we need to give them the benefit of the doubt. She also, handily enough, gives me free legal advice. My friend Mary believes the only person who gets in the way of us achieving our dreams is ourselves. If you need a kind but firm kick in the backside to get moving, she’s there to provide it. Sharon has showed me that the key to popularity is to truly enjoy the people around you. I’d always thought I had to show how terrific I was, instead of just appreciating how terrific they are. Because of my sister, I know that it is never okay to eat your groceries in the car. From my mom, easily the kindest person I know, I’ve learned the most. She believes in family, forgiveness, and affection. Her early life was so different from mine that she has a perspective I often lack. But I know where to find it. One of the most important things she’s always told me (paraphrasing the Buddha) is, “Always be kind to people. Just remember, you’re a people too.” That and, “Never underestimate the male ego.”